Tuesday, October 21, 2003

weekend movies

we rented and watched 2 movies this weekend and i would recommend both to anyone who's looking for something to watch.

the first was showtime with eddie murphy and robert deniro. didn't win any awards, but it was just what we needed (i was coming off a rory cold, brian was in the beginning of it)-entertainment for our tired brains. and even tho he mostly plays the same character over and over again, eddie murphy is one talented, funny m.f.

we also watched identity with john cusack (one of my faves) and a bunch of other good actors. i wasn't sure about this one because scary movies sometimes prevent me from sleeping, but since i wouldn't be watching it alone, i figured it was okay. boy, howdy, it was pretty darn creepy, but let me tell you-i would have never guessed that ending in a million years. well, okay, i got part of it right, but only a small bit. it's loosely based on ten little indians by agatha christie.


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